Lounge Chair - Stable Diffusion Tests II - PhotoRoom

July 17, 2023

This is a test using PhotoRoom's background replacement API with images sourced from Threekit's Threehome Demo. Having used ClipDrop's API prior to this, I can definitively say that this API is better:

  • negativePrompt allows you to specifically request things be left out of the generated background
  • Responses are much faster and more predictable
  • Responses are much better

It's all about the prompts, the better the prompt the better the output. I need to do some research on what makes a prompt good.

Let's try a different photo of the product at an angle with an existing background.

Source Image - Brown Leather

Threehome Lounge


A cozy study with a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf and a rolling library ladder. Negative Prompt: No other furniture, no rugs.

Library with ladder Although not perfect, maybe one of my favorites so far

A cozy study with a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf. Negative Prompt: No other furniture, no rugs.

Library no ladder Now we're cooking

Source Image - Red Plaid

Threehome Lounge


Living room in a ski cottage. No negative prompt.

Ski Cottage Living Room

Furniture showroom. Negative Prompt: No other furniture.

Furniture Showroom I'm not sure my negative prompt worked too well here - it was combating the furniture showroom positive prompt

Modern, minimalist home interior. No other furniture other than a fireplace in the background. Negative Prompt: No other furniture.

Modern Minimalist Home Fireplace Interesting fireplace

Modern, minimalist home interior. Negative Prompt: No other furniture.

Modern Minimalist Home Should have specified which room the chair should be in

Modern, minimalist home interior living room. Negative Prompt: No other furniture.

Modern Minimalist Living Room, no furniture Closer but don't love the rug

Modern, minimalist home interior living room. Negative Prompt: No other furniture, no rugs.

Modern Minimalist Living Room, no furniture, no rugs